Because our products are perishable, you cannot change your mind about them and return them. However, if you have a query about our products, do not hesitate to contact us on and our customer service team will help you.
However, you will always be able to receive a refund for a product that is not of satisfactory quality or misdescribed.
If you become aware of a problem with your products after delivery, please get in touch with us via We advise you to take photographs of any damaged items or packaging to support your claim.
We may ask you to return the products to us for inspection. If we do this, we will provide you with a pre-paid postage label, or you can return the products by posting them to Norac Foods UK Ltd, 144 Liverpool Road, London, N1 1LA. Please obtain proof of postage.
Once we have received and inspected the products, if we agree that they are damaged, of unsatisfactory quality or misdescribed then we will refund you the price including any delivery costs (for the cheapest delivery method available), by the same method used for payment