Serves: 4

Cooks In: 25 Mins

Recipe By: Gaz Oakley


To make the caramel sauce add the caster sugar & golden syrup to a heavy based saucepan. Place the pan over a medium heat & allow to melt to an amber coloured caramel. Once melted take the saucepan off the heat then carefully whisk in the cream & margarine. Once incorporated, place the sauce back over a low heat & add vanilla to taste.

Set the sauce aside whilst you caramelise the bananas.

Place a heavy based non stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add the coconut oil & when the pan is hot add the bananas. Caramelise for 2-3 minutes on both sides.

To serve, top your warm pain au chocolat with the caramelised banana & then drizzle over the caramel sauce.

Serve with vegan ice cream & mint

Any left over sauce can be stored in a sealed contain for 3-4 days in the fridge



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